Ryobi P237 vs P238 Compared.

The Ryobi P237 and P238 are two of the most incredible impact drivers that have the ability to drive screws fast and well. Impact drivers are built for a more powerful function and increased efficiency than the traditional drills. 

However, impact drivers are suited for people who are into a lot of professionally demanding tasks and are more of an overkill for an occasional user. Anyway, since you’re here, you must be aware of all that and more. 

So let’s put that aside and find out everything about the P237 and P238 by Ryobi!


I cannot list the exact prices here since they fluctuate constantly.  You can find it out using the links below.

Ryobi P327

Ryobi P328

The P238 is all things good. It got an upgrade in terms of the motor system i.e. the brushless motor. It has got a greater IPM value, less vibration, and more power so the price point is quite justified. 

The P237, on the contrary, costs way less than the P238 but again, it’s not capable of delivering the same efficiency and power. So we’d say you pay the additional $50 and get yourself a P238 that’ll transform your work experience. 

Motor Type

The Ryobi P237 functions with the old brushed motor system whereas, the P238 is equipped with a brushless motor.

Since the P238 is the latest version of the impact driver from the ONE+ series, Ryobi has taken it up a notch in terms of the motor system. The P238 houses a brushless motor which adds to the efficiency of the drill. It contributes to the long run time of the tool alongside an epic wear resistance. 

The P237, on the other hand, is loaded with a brushed motor which works of course but not as good as the brushless one. Brushed motors lose a lot of energy and hence, reduce the efficiency of any tool.

So obviously the edge goes to the P238 impact driver in terms of the motor mechanism. 


There’s a ridiculous amount of difference between the vibration of these two tools. 

The brushed P237 produces an immense vibration which eventually causes stress to your arms and is especially a concern for people who have to work all day long with these tools. 

The brushless P238, on the contrary, produces vibration close to none. The plus point definitely goes to the P238 for it doesn’t rattle as much and keeps the vibration from transferring to your arms. 


The Ryobi P237 weighs around 2.75 pounds. In contrast to that, the P238 weighs slightly more at 3.1 pounds. 

With the addition of batteries, you can expect an increase of a pound or half in the weight depending on your batteries. Anyway, both of these impact drivers are quite easy to work with since they do not weigh much. 

You can rely on either of them to work all day long without causing any fatigue as 3lbs of these impact drivers is nothing as compared to the heft of the traditional drills. 

Impacts per Minute

The Ryobi P237 generates 3200 impacts per minute. On the other hand, the P238 produces 4350 impacts per minute. 

The IPM value of the P237 is lower as compared to its counterpart which means that it’ll not function as fast. Yet, 3200 IPM with 1800in/lb of torque is still impressive and will help you deal with tough jobs without a hiccup. 

But clearly, the edge goes to the P238 which produces 4350 IPM at 2000in/lbs of torque. The higher the IPM value of an impact driver the faster it can get the job done. So the P238 is the winner over here!

Speed Control

Both the Ryobi P237 and P238 feature 3-speed control functions.

Both these impact drivers have the 3-speed control installed near the rear of the tool. You can very conveniently switch between the speeds while you work. The 3-speed adjustment allows you to operate the tool according to your work requirement so that’s always a plus for any tool!

Power Source 

Both these impact drivers are cordless and hence, battery operated.

You get multiple options for the battery since these tools are compatible with all batteries from the ONE+ series by Ryobi. The capacity of your battery will determine how long your tool can function on a single charge so make sure to use a powerful battery in case of demanding tasks.

Final Verdict 

Needless to say, the P238 is a clear winner over here. The P238 is an upgraded version of the P237 and from the brushless motor system to the minimized vibrations and higher efficiency, the P238 is everything we anticipated.